Wednesday 1 January 2020

Second Exercise

Our next class exercise was to take four of the fifty configurations we made as homework before the class and combine them into a uniform piece, using four different colour schemes. The class concentrates on 5 colour values, and glowing and dull colours (any fabric colour can be glowing or dull or relative), so there are a limited number of fabrics you can pick for any colour scheme, and I end up using colours together that I wouldn’t normally use.


Harcourt Park is quite an interesting place to visit. The Hutt River has fallen numerous times because it’s on a fault line. At Harcourt Park there are a number of river terraces that have been sign posted with the date of the earthquake that caused the river to form that terrace.

There is also a swing bridge across the Hutt River, and if you stand in the middle you can see a cliff that has vertical strata because of all the tectonic activity.

On the other hand, people who have watched the Lord of the Rings may recognise this as the site of Isengard.