Wednesday 30 September 2015


Yesterday we visited the Hollywood walk and the LA County Museum. We also went along a ridge of LA that had wonderful views all over. One of the times we were lost,we went down a street full of tents (with streets off it that were also full of tents) - in the middle of the city centre.

The walk was much better than I thought it would be because there were so many names that were familiar. It shows just how biased lists of "the best" generally are towards the current.

The Hollywood sign was easily seen from the side streets as we were going along the Hollywood walk, and it was also visible from the top of the Broad building in the museum. The museum was fantastic, and we spent three hours there. It had collections of American art - including a bit of indigenous art from Latin America. There didn't appear to be any from the US. There was an exhibition of African textiles which was fantastic, but it was the only stuff that couldn't be photographed. There was also traditional art from the Pacific - New Guinea, Tonga, Fiji, and Hawaii. Asian art (including a Japanese pavilion) and European art, including a good antiquities section, rounded out a reasonably comprehensive collection.

Charlotte was surprised that my name was on the pavement in Hollywood walk.

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