Sunday 20 March 2016

The Rock

Today I reached Uluru. It is so green around here, you wouldn't think you were in the middle of a desert. Every plant is in bloom. I'm sure I've never seen photographs of Uluru with greenery on it - let alone Kata Tjuta! I had hoped (when I heard that there might be a shower tomorrow) that I would see it raining on Uluru, but it is raining now - in the middle of the night - and by sunrise there won't even be any damp patches on the rock.

I got too hot every time I went out into the sun today, but hopefully I will get an early start and be able to do a couple of the walks tomorrow. I did a couple today, but I stopped pretty early when I attempted others. And some were closed because it was too hot.

Near sunset I was at the car sunset viewing area (there's a separate one for busses), and there were clouds coming up in the west to stop the rock going red, so I left because there were so many cars coming into that car park. As I was going out a lot more cars and busses were coming in - and it's not even peak season.

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