Saturday 10 November 2018

Punta Arenas

Before we left Patagonia, I took a picture of the hotel nestled in the hills.

It was a five hour drive to Punta Arenas.

There are many places that you never expect to see in your life, and this picture is of two of them. The Straight of Magellan and Terra del Fuego.

We saw the cemetery, which was full of people because it was the day of the dead.

We saw the statue of Magellan in the main square.

We visited the Nao Victoria Museum, which consists of life sized replicas of Magellan’s ship, the Beagle, the Chilean ship that carried the first settlers to this area, and the life raft Shackleton used to get help when his ship was crushed by icebergs. All these ships have connections to Punta Arenas.

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