Wednesday 3 April 2019

Wind and Waves

Today was excessively windy. Stanley has a number of lookouts with views of The Nut dotted around the town. This is one of them.

Once you get to the top, you have spectacular views around the coast. Unfortunately, there was too much wind to really enjoy the walk. The chairlift to the top closed soon after it opened because of the wind.

We continued on to the west coast, and visited the beach at Marrawah. There were several surfers here, and the waves looked large. Of course, this is the land of the Roaring Forties, and in winter the waves are about five times the size.

We reached Arthur River, where we’re staying, and visited The Edge of the World. The waves seemed even bigger. And it seemed even windier.

We walked to the mouth of Arthur River and saw enormous logs that had been brought downstream during the winter floods.

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