Sunday 8 September 2019

Surfbird walk - Blackstone Range

There was quite a bit of rain overnight, and it continued to shower for the whole morning. It even snowed. I took a couple of photos of the mountains from our campsite at breakfast. 

After breakfast we walked to the visitors centre.

However, at lunchtime, the rain stopped, so we went out to tackle the Surfbird walk.

The walk allows you to see glimpses of the South Ogilvie Range, which is of limestone rather than the granite of the Blackstone Range that we were on.

The tundra is very difficult to walk on, as there are many grass clumps, that are much higher than the spongy mosses and lichens surrounding them.

We stopped on the way, both there and back, to look down the valley to Tombstone Mountain. The clouds were rolling in, and we had another night of rain ahead of us.

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