Friday 11 October 2019

Point Pelee

The southernmost point in mainland Canada is an important wildlife sanctuary, as it has quite a number of different plant communities, including extensive marshes and various type of forest. As there is an island chain across Lake Erie to Point Pelee, many migratory species of birds and butterflies  use this route. Although it was late in the year, we saw many butterflies there. Yesterday when we were at the point it was very windy and the surf was up. But today things were much quieter, and we visited the marshlands and walked along the boardwalk.

We went into the forest, through the dunes (which we really couldn’t see) and to the middle beach, which was much more storey than the point.

At the visitors centre they had a pond with lots of frogs.

Then we drove through Ontario to the airport to catch the plane home. The road is the main one from Detroit to New York, and down the Saint Lawrence seaway, so it was very busy with an enormous number of trucks going very close together and very fast. There are an large number of enormous greenhouses on the route.

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