Friday 3 November 2023

Herald Cays on the Beach

Today was our second day at Herald Cays. We are anchored off North East Cay, which is a RAMSAR wetland. I’m fairly certain it doesn’t have any water, but it does have an amazing amount of birds. 

This morning we got up early to go to the beach to see if any turtles were still there - there were fresh tracks yesterday, so there could be fresh tracks again today, and maybe a turtle. As we neared the beach, we saw a pair of turtles mating in the water.

And several fresh turtle tracks. Two, at opposite ends of the beach, even looked like the turtle might still be there, as there was only one track!

We landed, and decided to walk in the opposite direction to the walk I did the previous day. There were cones where the ghost hermit crabs had burrowed into the sand. 

The baby masked boobies were still asleep.

We saw a lot of hermit crabs of different sorts. They were pairing up to exchange shells.

I was tired, so I turned back after we’d reached the single track. It was a fizzer, as the turtle had gone back over most of the track it left on the way up!

It was also strange as it appeared to have a tail (males have a long tail, but females don’t). Turtle tracks look more like this.

The turtles that were mating had reached the shore (this is very unusual). They mate for up to eight hours, so I sat there watching them on the shore for about an hour.

And then we came back for breakfast. I had a lazy day, although the others went snorkelling in the morning and the afternoon. We had a barbecue dinner, but it wasn’t on the sundeck as it was far too windy. But I managed to catch sunset and the burrowing birds coming back to their holes after a day of catching fish. They fly low so the garnets don’t steal their catch.

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