Tuesday 23 January 2024

Last Day

While we were waiting at South Herald Cay to go back to the boat, our expedition leader told me that we had two choices about what we did next. We could sail back towards Cairns that night and do stuff nearby the next afternoon OR we could stay at South Herald Cay overnight, have an early morning visit to the cay the next day, and sail back to Cairns that afternoon and night. Either way, we would end up in Cairns by 8am that day. I said that no one would prefer to have a few hours in just the Great Barrier Reef when they could have that many hours in the middle of the Coral Sea instead. Anywhere we were going near Cairns any of us could visit in a day trip from Cairns. It’s really difficult to get here!

My reply really got to him (no one had ever said JUST the Great Barrier Reef to him before). So we stayed the night and went back to South Herald Cay. 

It was just as good as before. We didn’t see turtles on the beach or in the water, but there were still plenty of fish and interesting things to see in the sea, while on land there were just so many birds!

When we left, we tried to circumnavigate the cay, but the reefs went so far out we couldn’t go very far at all in the time left. So we went back to the boat and did all the mundane stuff you need to do before you go off the boat.

And so ended the trip.

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