Friday 1 March 2024

Houtman Abrolhos - Easter and Pelsaert Groups

The Abrolhos is made up of a lot of small islands, often covered in the fishing shacks of crayfishers.

Amongst them is Little Sandy Island, the northernmost home of Sea-lions in Australia.

The island is very small, and we weren’t allowed to stand on most of the island, so that we didn’t disturb the sea lions, as they are quite endangered. There were about ten here, a fifth of the population in Western Australia. 

The wind was horrible, spraying us with sand. It felt like a very uninviting place to be. There was also a current, so we couldn’t snorkel very far either. However, once we got into the water, there was the best coral we’ve seen this trip (because of the weather we’ve missed all the good coral locations).

And the juvenile sea lions are very inquisitive and love swimming around snorkellers, but I didn’t venture out past the shallows, so I didn’t see them.

Afterwards we visited Post Office Island, where we were shown around a shack and the crayfishing operation and pearling operation a family has on the island.

Later there was a pretty good sunset.

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