Friday 29 March 2019

Fluted Cape Walk

To get to Bruny Island you catch a ferry from a beautiful bay full of yachts.

We went to Truganini Lookout, which is up a lot of steps, but gives an expansive view of the south part of Bruny Island and The Neck.

We went down to the beach and watched the surf.

We drove around the island for a little, and found many of the roads weren’t paved, so we couldn’t visit the lighthouse. Eventually, we ended up in Adventure Bay and found a walk to Grass Place and Fluted Cape. From Grass Place we saw Fluted Cape, and were sure that the walk couldn’t possibly go to the top.

We walked up a very steep path, and saw several rock needles on the way.

Including the ones that we decided were the flutes on Fluted Cape.

When we got to the top, there were other people who we got to take a photo including the island in Grass Place where we came from.

We were both quite amazed that we had succeeded in doing the entire walk when we finished, and found it was grade 3 (of five).

To celebrate, we had some incredibly delicious fresh oysters. Bruny Island definitely is justified in being advertised as having some of the best oysters anywhere.


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