Friday 29 March 2019

Port Arthur

Possibly the most known part of Tasmania is the Port Arthur peninsula, where the penal colony for the worst convicts was located. No part of the peninsula is more infamous than Eaglehawk Neck, which divides it from the mainland. The surf was so loud, that escapees couldn’t be heard, so a row of chained dogs guarded the neck. 

The coast of most of the peninsula is very jagged, and the surf pounds it, making it very difficult to escape, but also breathtaking.

There are a number of interesting rock formations. The Devils Kitchen.

The Tasman Arch.

The most impressive we found was the Remarkable Cave, where the surf pours through a keyhole arch. There is a platform a metre or two above the sand otherwise you would be engulfed. The rock is almost covered.

The last formation we saw was the Tessellated Pavement. I’ve never seen one before that was sandstone - usually they’re basalt.

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