Tuesday 19 September 2023

Scott Reef

We spent yesterday afternoon and all night travelling to Scott Reef, arriving at 7:30am. This is the view that greeted me from my window.

Indonesian fishermen.

I took my camera with me on the explorer (a tender vessel we use each time we go out), and took a few photos. The surf was breaking on the sandbar, but inside the atoll was really calm.

I thought you’d like to see an explorer - this is the other explorer unloading people to snorkel.

The water was really clear and we could see coral from the explorer.

The rest of the Indonesian fishing fleet was further round the atoll.

When I came out of the water, couple of canoes of them were waiting for us to leave. As soon as we chugged away, they started to dive.

The reef was extensively affected by coral bleaching in 2016, killing approximately 80% of the corals. They have been recovering since then, and the snorkelling was fantastic, although I definitely saw some dead patches. There were lots of reef fish, and I watched a sea snake meandering around on the bottom.

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