Friday 15 September 2023

Lacepède Islands

The medical evacuation happened in the afternoon. A helicopter came from Broome and we stopped so it could land. We continued on to Broome because we’d run out of oxygen. Then we went to the next destination in out trip - the lacepede islands, and we got here in time to visit them in the flat bottomed vessel we use to get very close to places. They are another set of cays on the edge of the Australian continental shelf about 30km from Dampier Peninsula. In 1986 rats were eradicated, and the islands once more became a haven for nesting seabirds and migratory birds.

I didn’t get any pictures of the crocodile we saw, but the islands have an incredible number of birds. The green turtles were mating. The other turtles weren’t, but I didn’t get any photos of them either.

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