Saturday 24 August 2024

Kampung Taar, Tual Island

Today we had our first stop in Indonesia.

We landed at some steps in the city, and went by bus to the village. At the top of the steps, we were greeted by a band who played enthusiastically for just about the rest of the day!

At the village we were greeted by a delegation of the village head man and all the big wigs. After some greetings, some girls danced for us. I think they were secondary school students.

We then walked to the primary school 

and the students played anklung - a bamboo instrument I’d always wanted to see in action. Each student plays a different note by shaking their own instrument, so they’re sort of like bell ringers.

We then walked to the church (this is a Christian village), 

and were greeted by the secondary students playing ukuleles and singing enthusiastically.

Then we walked to a monument and had refreshments and were greeted again.

The village has done a lot of work restoring the mangroves surrounding it.

Indonesia has just had Independence Day, so all the streets in the village were decked in flags. 

The villagers had obviously put in a lot of effort for our visit, a lot of them must have followed the buses back to the city and waved us goodbye as we departed.

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