Tuesday 26 April 2016


Ginnie took me to the Burke museum which has a very interesting collection of indigenous Pacific artefacts - especially from the north west of America. 

The Alaskan fishing fleet over winters in Seattle. To accomodate the fleet, Seattle has dug out a cancel between Lake Washington and the sea and put in a lock because of the difference in levels. That meant the salmon couldn't get to the lake, so they built a salmon ladder next to the lock. Unfortunately it is the wrong time of the year to see any fish climbing the ladder, but it was fabulous of Ginnie to take me to visit the lock and ladder because it certainly was interesting.

We then went to the fishing wharf and saw the fleet and the memorial to fishermen who have died.

After that we visited a local beach and saw the damage beavers make on the way there. I had never appreciated just how destructive beavers can be! Once we reached the beach we saw an enormous marina for pleasure craft. What a great day!

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