Saturday 30 April 2016

Another Fantastic Day

The Yellowhead highway is supposed to be one of the more scenic in Canada, and it is certainly very nice. Cedar and birch forest with mountains for background - whether snow covered or not. Much of the way to Prince George is National or Provincial park. Mount Robson was the first...

The view back toward Jasper from Moose Lake (it had rained all night and had just stopped raining)

The view toward Mount Robson from Moose Lake

The view of Mount Robson from the other side

The highway is the main route between Edmunton and Vancouver, so you would expect a lot of traffic. This was more cars than I had seen so far, and by the time I was within 100km of Prince George I had still seen less than twenty! And there were no towns or petrol stations for 200kms. Just forest and mountains.

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