Friday 11 November 2016


It was foggy when I woke, so I ventured down the weir track, but didn't go all the way, because it was really difficult to see anything much - although I did see a platypus and a number of birds.

I went back toward Lithgow, and visited Pearsons Lookout. At Lidsdale, I turned off to go to Newnes (another campground in Wollemi National Park, also the site of historical ruins). On the way, the Gardens of Stone National Park is on both sides. You drive between two escarpments, and the entire route is fantastic. There were about 10 people camped already, even though it was still morning.

I skirted the top of Wollemi park on my way north, and you really get an understanding of why it took 25 years from settlement until they found a way into the interior. The Great Dividing Range is probably one of the shortest in the world, but all through NSW and a lot of Victoria, it is very broken and difficult to negotiate. Melbourne is lucky that it's located at about the easiest place to go inland. I ended the day at Armidale.

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