Friday 11 November 2016

Waterfall Way

From Armidale you can travel along Waterfall Way to the coast. This includes Oxley Wild Rivers National Park, Guy Falkes River National Park, New England National Park and Cathedral Rock National Park. I recall that the first two are part of the Gondwanaland World Heritage Area.

I visited two waterfalls in Oxley - Chandler Falls and Wollomombi Falls (second highest in Australia), and  Ebor Falls in Guy Falkes. I also visited Cathedral Rock, but I didn't see anything there, except the traces of a very recent bushfire. The walk to the rock would have taken a few hours, and I just didn't have the time.

Then I departed Waterfall Way and went to Grafton rather than Coffs Harbour. The road was very interesting, going through temperate rainforest with lots of tall tree ferns, but it was very winding and narrow. It went through grates, and in the middle of a National Park, there was a bull on the road amongst the hairpin bends. No wonder the two cars going the other way had blinked me!

The Pacific Highway was even worse, as they are duplicating it from about Grafton to Bellina, and. There was a never ending stream of cars in both directions.

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