Sunday 13 November 2016

Natural Bridge

Natural Bridge National Park is what you would expect around here - semitropical rainforest. The car said 35 degrees when I stopped, and within moments of going into the rainforest I was dripping - but what else would you expect? 

It is absolutely amazing. There were lots of people there - more than 30 cars and a minibus of Chinese tourists. Although it's close to Brisbane the roads are steep and windy and narrow, so I wouldn't have expected so many. There is a circuit which doesn't take long. There is a Waterfall that plunges into a hole, and comes out, so the bridge is formed. In the cave the Waterfall is illuminated by sunlight during the day. At night there are glow worms for illumination. And there are bats. And there is rainforest that you can see on the other side of the bridge. It is just beautiful.

After seeing that, I went to Lamington National Park. There is a long road up the side of the mountain with numerous switchbacks and blind corners and places where the road is only one lane. Of course, I was going up in the late afternoon when everyone else was going down. It was really nice, with numerous views across the country, some to Mount Tamborine which is opposite it. And I was back into dry rainforest, although I think Mount tambourine is wet rainforest.

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