Sunday 1 May 2016

'Ksan Campground

I suppose I had better tell you about the rest of the day before I get to the campground where I am staying tonight.

From Prince George, you are in farming country - mainly cattle and dairy I think, although there are unfenced fields which have been ploughed. The cedar and birch have been left as hedges in places, and it is rolling hills with lots of lakes.

Then, at Houston, you start to see snow and glacier covered mountains in the distance and you come across the largest fly fishing line in the world.

And then the mountains get nearer.

And then you take a road off the track to the 'Ksan campground and museum, which you know is shut, as are the other two first peoples museums in the area which are all supposed to be very good - none of them open for another week. And when you get there, you find this (note that there are two sets of mountains, one each side of the van) - and the best wifi you have had at any location on any trip...

As if that wasn't enough, the museum also has a number of long houses built in the traditional manner, like an original village.

This is all very special, but then the campground manager gives you a personal guided tour of the inside of the houses and the museum. They were superb - much the best thing on this trip so far. 

Life cannot get much better than this!

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