Tuesday 17 November 2015

Back to Quito

On our last day in the Galapagos we visited the Galapagos Interpretation Centre. This was amazing, and included a lot of the history of the Galapagos as well as all sorts of interesting facts. Unfortunately we were not allowed anywhere near enough time to see it all, and I probably only got about a third of the way through it in the time allowed. As the rest of our time in the Galapagos was wasted with an enormous wait at the airport, time for shopping and even more time wasted at the airport (our plane left an hour after it should have), there could have been plenty of time to actually appreciate the centre.

It was also a pity we didn't see it first, as it answered many of the questions people asked throughout the trip, that the guide answered incorrectly. She had also given unsolicited information that was refuted by the centre.

The trip included many more opportunities for snorkelling and other activities than were in the itinerary and the itinerary we got had repetitions and mistakes that meant people could have chosen the wrong trip. For instance, one person couldn't swim, and a couple of others were not swimmers, yet every day included a lot of water based activities which were not in the itinerary (which inferred that we were mainly walking). It was also frustrating to have been told to bring a towel in your limited luggage, and yet have swimming towels provided. Everyone opted out of some of the activities because the regime was exhausting - on one day we had five separate activities scheduled, each of which involved a separate trip from the boat. At first the guide was very persistent in trying to get people not to opt out, without giving people much information about the excursion. The trip was advertised as visiting less available parts of the archipelago, yet they are some of the most visited parts. And the route involved much longer sea passages (through rougher seas) each night than most of the other trips that are available.

This wouldn't have changed the trip I chose, since I booked late, and had limited choices, but I think it would have changed the trip chosen by several of the others. Despite all this everyone had a good time and really enjoyed the Galapagos. Most of us were very happy that there were all the extra water based activities.

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