Monday 16 November 2015

Beating the rats, cats, donkeys, pigs, cattle, ants (these are exotic) and goats

This afternoon we visited the giant tortoise reproduction centre on Isabella Island. Tortoises have not been living to adulthood, so 25 years ago they selected some from each of the ten areas on the island to put into the reproductive centre. Whenever they lay eggs, they are taken away and incubated (including eggs in the wild). When they are five years old (big enough not to be eaten by predators) they are released back to the wild. All the old ones in the centre have a life sentence. It works, and now there are 25 year old tortoises. They are also irradicating the exotic species.

We visited two other places where pink flamingos live. On the way back we saw rocks full of boobies - can you see the interlopers?

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