Monday 16 November 2015

Mating Turtles

Have you noticed that the title is inevitably the photo that got away? Anyway, there were were several turtles in a group in the water, but all you could see were heads and flippers and a shell on top of another shell, and the whole mess keeps moving and allowing random parts to show. Nothing that you would recognise as a whole turtle, let alone two!

We went in the zodiacs through the mangroves in a narrow bay this morning. We saw a lot of frigate birds in a tree, many penguins, blue footed boobies which really had blue feet, two types of heron, flightless cormorants, many turtles, sea lions and some flying fish.

This afternoon we spotted a whale while we were moving on to the next place, but before that we went to the lava fields, and, in a lagoon saw a pink flamingo. While we were coming back to the boat we passed Galapagos in miniature.

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