Monday 16 November 2015

Giant Tortoises

The Hilton at Quinto serves breakfast between 2am and 10am, so we had breakfast before we flew to the Galapagos (we met in the lobby at 4:20am). After take owe got an excellent view of the volcano that's currently blowing, and caused our plane to take a circuitous route.

We were on the board by lunchtime, and visited the lava caves and giant turtles this afternoon. The giant turtles wander around wherever they want to, but the lava caves place has done a lot to attract them - replacing elephant grass with shorter, native grasses, planting some trees that they like, and creating shallow ponds that the turtles can submerge in, and drink. So there are a lot of turtles there. The one pictured is probably over 100!

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