Wednesday 4 November 2015

Up Over

Before we left Cuenca I visited a hat factory, then went to the Ethnological Museum. Behind the museum is the Inca and preInca site in Cuenca. This was a military base as well as an administrative centre. We then flew to Quito and were driven north to the hacienda where we are staying tonight. On the way we visited the real equator (evidently where I was before is not exactly on the equator, but 70 metres out). The scientists and archeologists here have found a large number of preInca sites in a radius of about 35km from this site (which also has ruins nearby), reflecting where the sun was at different times of the year, and they have predicted where they have late found sites!

The guide suggests that maps of the earth should be from east to west, as per the map behind me. The first picture is the ruins at Cuenca, including an irrigation ditch. The second is me standing on the equator and the third is us all on the equator.

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