Sunday 1 October 2023

Adelaide Parklands

Adelaide and Melbourne were started within a couple of years of each other. These settlements were created with the philosophy that they would have no convicts. In fact, the original plans for Adelaide didn’t include a jail. They both were set up as a grid of streets surrounded by parkland. As these cities grew, they encroached on the parkland. Because gold was found in Victoria, Melbourne grew very quickly. Adelaide was too close to Victoria, and many of its inhabitants moved to Victoria, so Adelaide still has a lot more of its parkland. Adelaide CBD is two thirds of the size of its parklands. In the last fifty years, they’ve developed the parklands from somewhat ratty land to a lot of gardens and spaces for all sorts of things. Today I decided to circumnavigate Adelaide by walking through the parklands and visiting all the interesting places I’d found on the map.

Firstly, there are a large number of different playing fields - anything from the Adelaide Cricket Ground to crocket fields, frisbee golf (there’s a real golf course too). There are a large number of free bbqs, toilets and fenced children’s playgrounds (including one that’s inclusive). 

I passed a cricket oval where the game had recently finished. They had a PA and were giving everyone who’d played a separate round of applause for every little thing they’d done. When that finished they had a bbq and played Bollywood music loudly.

I passed the zoo, and walked through the botanical gardens.

I saw at least three rose gardens. The international rose garden, 

the Veale rose garden 

and a rose garden from their sister city in China.

I visited a wonderful Japanese garden from their sister city in Japan.

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