Saturday 28 October 2023

Beaver and Yamacutta Reefs

Today we needed to practise how to get into and out of the zodiacs, as we need to use these for the rest of the trip. So we went to Beaver Reef which has a sand cay that we could access, and snorkel there.

Unfortunately, it was very windy and choppy, and everyone who went snorkelling zoomed through the coral very rapidly because of the current. Today and tomorrow there are winds from the cyclone, so although the Great Barrier Reef stops practically everything, we were still being affected. The last batch of people didn’t get to go because of the conditions. I landed (got off the zodiac), looked around and decided to go back immediately. This was a great decision.

In the afternoon we went to Yamacutta Reef ( where there wasn’t a cay we could access) in the zodiacs, and snorkelled there. It was a fantastic reef, but a number of people had difficulty getting back into the zodiacs. I came back in the first one, as it was rougher than I was used to, and I didn’t want to tire myself out.

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