Saturday 21 October 2023

Getting to Cairns

Just over two weeks later, I began the next part of my adventures. In the meantime, I’d had covid, and tested negative a week after I got it on the Ghan. So, although I no longer have it, I’m dizzy quite often, and I fatigue easily, and I’ve been advised to rest often, do no exercise and take it easy for a month.

It was cloudy all the way. For most of the flight we were inland and flying over wheat country. After a lot of cloud, where we couldn’t see the ground at all, suddenly the clouds parted a bit and we could see the coast. We were flying over a city, and I would guess it was Townsville, as we were just about to begin our descent.

We saw some islands as well, but the clouds closed again and I didn’t see anything until we landed. As you’d expect, it was fairly hot (particularly as we had snow a couple of days before I left home) - 32C with 50% humidity. The driver was commenting on how low the humidity was. It will be much more humid in a month. The place I’m staying at for a few days while I’m in Cairns is very nice - here are the pictures from my balcony.

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