Friday 13 October 2017

A Quite Superior Lake

Lake Superior was named by the French because it was the furthest away. It is also the highest of the Great Lakes. From my inspection it appears to have the greatest scenic beauty as well. The land around it is quite hilly, and the trees are stunning. I went as far as Montreal river before I turned back, and Lake Montreal was just stunning, but impossible to photograph.

I saw my first Canadian Waterfall at the halfway point along the TransCanadian Highway.

According to the sign (but not Wikipedia), the first uranium in North America was found along the shore of Lake Superior by someone whose boat sank where I took the first picture. It wasn't the only boat whose watery grave lies in these pictures. Evidently the SS Edmund Fitzgerald sank here too.

Further to the great pasties of Lake Michigan, many places around Lake Superior sell apple fritters. Australian apple fritters pale in comparison, being basically a slice of apple in thin batter. The ones here are cut up apple in (probably) a donut batter, so they are very big. I had a most superior dinner (the best meal of the trip so far) - just fish and vegetables, but really nice. It made up for the three hours I was stopped by an accident.

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