Thursday 5 October 2017


This morning icebergs filled the bay in front of the town. A ship was tried to come in, but couldn't find any way, so it eventually turned around and sailed away. It snowed overnight. Most cars have their winter tyres on, even though you can't have them on before 1st October. The seasons really change quickly here.

I went on the guided blue trail walk today, but because of the snow and ice it would have been dangerous to do the tricky parts, so we only did a subsection. The guide showed us where the Inuit ruins are (they are marked with sticks sticking up in the snow). Later in the walk we came across Inuit grave sites (lots of stones, as they put stones around and over the corpse). One of the graves had its cover removed and you could see parts of the skeleton. 

It was really amazing to walk some of the same area as I did yesterday and see the difference that just one day had made. I photographed one of the ponds from yesterday, and the bay where the Inuit settlement was. So even though it wasn't as long as I was expecting, it was really great to do! The other person on the tour was a mad selfie-taking Malaysian. Every picture had him in it. 

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