Monday 2 October 2017


Today we stopped in Nuuk from 7:30 to 20:00. It rained - or, rather, it drizzled. I had several things planned for the day - a visit to the Cultural Centre (closed until noon, and then it was only open for a long queue getting tickets for tonight's blockbuster show, but it had trees outside), a visit to the museum (closed until 13:00), finding a place with wifi (an hour spent at the library which opened at noon, and was inundated with kids), and an idea of trying to see the oldest place on earth.

The museum was fantastic. It is in several historic buildings on the coast, near where the cruise ships arrive. One building houses traditional transport of the Inuits. Another shows Inuit dress in Greenland including four mummies found in northern Greenland. Another shows archeological finds in Greenland - one section on the Vikings, and the other on the various Inuit waves of settlement. This included most of the ruins I have seen, and others as well. In my opinion, the best thing in this part was an original Viking dress (the photo has my shadow over it because it was in darkness and the only light is from behind me). The Inuit section included a boat that was found with most of a settlement which must have suffered a calamity, because everything was found as if the place was still being used, although it was two thousand years ago. There were other buildings and other displays.

You can buy the world’s oldest rock in several gift shops, but not in pebble sized chunks, and it is a bit far away to see. Unfortunately it wasn't until late in the day when I found a place that does fjord cruises for a couple of hours. It was later than I wanted to go, and they won't do them when I get back here because they stop at the end of September.

I wandered around town, going along some of the wooden walkways, and seeing some kids practising soccer.

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