Wednesday 11 October 2017

West until sunset

The car I have for Canada is quite superior. Some things are gimmicks, others are really nice to have. The most outstanding feature is the reversing camera. It is very clear and I may really miss it when I don't have the car any more. I had been contemplating upgrading my car with one but I  can only get a generic one, so I'm not sure how good that would be. 

On the other hand, there is no rear windscreen wiper. This morning the car was covered in dew, and I noticed the lack immediately. Other things that I don't like include the handbrake. I had to get out the manual this morning to work out how to disengage it! It is one of my least favourite colours for a car - black - I prefer to be visible, particularly at night, and most of the currently available car colours are variations on asphalt, which camouflages them instead. And it parps its horn every time you lock it (something I have always hated). It also hasn't got anywhere that I can easily put the GPS.

The cruise control is easy to use, although if you do the wrong thing you parp the horn. It is very economical with petrol, quiet, comfortable and is nice to drive. The camper in Iceland wasn't bad, but this is definitely superior. It has no key, really nice seats.

Today I drove northwest through a Canada I had always imagined seeing if I did the cross-Canada train trip. The Canada made up of immense forest bathed in autumn colours with dark pines interspersed with reds, pinks, golds, yellows and light green-yellows. A lot of the birches have already lost their leaves, so white sometimes replaced the dark of the pines, and sometimes combined with the rest. The sun was shining, and small lakes or wide rivers, or large lakes or even Lake Huron appeared every few minutes. It was all just beautiful, but I didn't stop to take photos - partly because I was on major roads with lots of roadworks, and partly because most of the time I was driving through areas that I'll be in for a week, so I was trying to get further away so I can see something different in the first few days. The beauty was partly the immensity of the landscape, and the rounded rocks that poke out into the trees occasionally. I had two hypothetical aims for these days. The first is just too far away. It was always going to be a stretch, and I was too tired when I landed to start out that day. The other is quite achievable - to see all the Great Lakes. To do that, I'll need to cross into America tomorrow and look at the top of Lake Michigan.

I might see if I can get a couple of tshirts while I'm there, as the weather is definitely warm! After Greenland, I'm definitely in tshirt weather.

This place has terrible wifi, so it is good that I'm not including pictures!

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