Monday 2 October 2017


It snowed overnight, so the top deck is full of ice now that everyone has trampled on it, but before it was trampled there were some enormous bird footprints! We stopped at Aasiaat this morning, and then at Qeqertersuatsiaat which hasn't had a passenger ship dock for several years and used to be the main town in Greenland as it was the centre of the whale industry. It is also where I'm going in a couple of days and it's going to take all day to get there! The dock was too short, so they had to be creative about where they put the ropes, and then the ropes got stuck in rocks as we were leaving. We saw whales as we were leaving Aasiaat.

Ilulissat is known for being next to the glacier that produces more ice than any other in the world. The bay becomes shallow just past the town, so the icebergs build up - and they are absolutely enormous. I am staying at a guest house, and am the only one. It has a lovely view, and really nice accomodation - it even says it has wifi (the ferry was also supposed to have it, but they ceased to sell wifi years ago because it was too slow and unreliable).

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