Friday 6 October 2017


Spending four hours in an airport is fairly common when you travel. However, I cannot recall ever being the only person in the whole airport passenger area before. Evidently I should have received an SMS that the plane was delayed for two hours, but that didn't happen. The only people who were here for the first hour were in the staff area and came out occasionally - for instance when I checked in, or to check on the landing strip. Then a couple of Chinese showed up. They thought they had booked a sightseeing flight, but no one turned up to take them. Then they went. No shops are open. Someone started to clear the roof. There is supposed to be at least one plane per hour, but none arrived or departed for three hours. Then three people arrived - obviously waiting for someone, as the plane arrived soon after. Thirty six people got off the plane, and I was still the only person waiting in the passenger area.

Then they wheeled the plane into storage. Another plane came half an hour later. Another thirty-six people got off. Then half an hour before we were leaving, the rest of the passengers arrived. I had been told two hours before takeoff!

We went to Kanglussiat, and then to Nuuk.

The first three pictures are from the guesthouse, the next are of the Icefjord (the seventy kilometres of icebergs), there is icecap, and a shot to show how far from the coast we were. Also a big river.

So now I leave Greenland tomorrow morning. This is the very last Greenland post.

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