Wednesday 4 October 2017

Kurt Rasmussen

Today was rather windy, so the boat didn't sail to Disko Island. Instead, I have extra time here. I went to the museum (only open from noon), which I wouldn't have seen otherwise. It is in the house were Kurt Rasmussen was born, and learnt skills from the Inuits that he used in his career. It has a great display on Arctic Explorers, on Inuit settlement and the significance of the archeological excavation of the one here (it showed that there had been multiple migrations and that they dated back 4000 years), and local history. It has an Inuit turf house that was built by the old men who had done it before people stopped building them.

I also saw several examples of Inuit "embroidery" - which is really an inlay weaving technique. I have seen several other items with this work, but none could be photographed, and they are very fine!

I went to an Inuit myths and life tour, which took place in a turf cottage. They gave us musk ox, whale, halibut and salmon to taste, and made Greenlandic coffee - a potent combination which ends in adding burning gin to the mix.

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