Monday 9 October 2017

Reykjavik Last Day

I wandered around Reykjavik, so the pictures are a somewhat inconsistent set. The settlement centre is where the first ever longhouse was built in Iceland. They have two accounts of the first settlers, who built the house in 870. The longhouse was found during a development, and has been carbon dated to 871 +-2 years, and an eruption that deposited a layer of ash happened in 872. The house was built under the ash layer, so they are pretty certain it was the first house. It is in perpetual gloom, so the model of it was more photogenic! They have a number of finds exhibited, and many lights that you can shine on particular places in the ruin. It was really worth visiting.

On the way there, I passed a pond with waterbirds (in the background is a side view of their cathedral) and many old buildings. I visited the old harbour, which is celebrating 100. To make the harbour, they used two locomotives to build to walls and a ward. These are the only locomotives ever to be used in Iceland. I took a picture of the main shopping street - I was walking faster then the traffic - and a sign I saw there.

I'm not sure what I will be doing in the first few days in Canada, so wifi may be a problem.

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