Thursday 15 September 2022

Dundas Harbour and Croker Bay

Today we saw ice! 

Early in the morning I woke and saw a glacier behind the hills.

Firstly we went to Dundas Harbour. Actually, we didn’t, because it was iced in with sea ice. So we stopped at a bay over the hill from Dundas Harbour, and walked across to the bay. 

There we saw the remains of the RCMP post that was later transferred to the Hudson Bay Company when the RCMP no longer needed it. As you can see, the sea ice completely blocked the harbour.

There were Inuit ruins on the harbour, but they are being restored so we couldn’t go there.

The area had more vegetation than we’d been seeing, even though it’s the furthest north that we’ve been, and that we’ll go.

This afternoon we went to the glacier I’d seen in the morning at Croker Bay. 

We raced to the other glacier, which is actually the larger and taller of the two, when people there sighted narwhals. But we didn’t see any there.

As we left the area we passed the same place we’d been this morning, at sunset.

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