Wednesday 21 September 2022


In 2017 I spent a week in Illulisat in early October. Over the week, winter arrived. There is an enormous glacier at the end of the fjord next to Illulisat and the fjord fills with 70 kms of icebergs. When I left on the plane, I briefly saw the extent of it, so I signed up for the helicopter option to see it properly this time. Unfortunately, it was raining and there was low cloud, so the helicopter was cancelled. I couldn’t have seen anything.

We arrived early and saw the town spread out before us.

We took the zodiacs and puttered amongst the giant icebergs.

A lot of them had birds on them.

Nearby is a site where archeologists have found 4000 years of settlement, in different strata.

The area is at the end of the iceberg fjord.

It’s really looking very full of mosses and lichens and plants and a lot of water. Much more than when I was last here.

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