Friday 16 September 2022

Pond Inlet

Today we visited Pond Inlet.

They had a supply ship bringing in their winter supplies. These ships only come once a year, at this time because the sea ice has melted and not reformed,  so they can be reasonably guaranteed to get here. They have two shops, each of which gets one shipment a year. There were two barges working to get all the containers from the ship, and the shipment  obviously included a bulldozer.

The breakwater was new within the last four years.

They sent us a guide who showed us a sod house. Its seal skin roof had fallen in at the beginning of summer, so it was sitting inside the house. The whalebones outside the house had formed part of the roof structure. You can see one of the two glaciers on the other side of the strait in the picture. Sod houses were used in summer and igloos in winter.

There was a fishing boat in the bay, and a group of harp seals.

At the community centre they put on a wonderful cultural display for us, including arctic games, songs, throat singing and drum dancing. It was so good, I managed to see it twice.

I ran out of battery in my camera (I seem to be doing this at the towns), and time. It started to drizzle soon after we landed, and by the time we left it was very foggy and wet.

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