Thursday 15 October 2015

GPSs Have Limitations

Today started in Arizona, visited parks in Utah, went through Nevada, and finished in California.

There was a state park I wanted to see called Coral Pink Sands. As it is a state park, I needed to pay, but I arrived there before the rangers were manning the gates, so I didn't. There are enormous sand dunes, made from sand blown from the Navajo reservation! Unfortunately the GPS didn't know about this park, so I wasn't going to see it until I saw a sign on the road.

Then I went to Las Vegas via Zion National park. I said earlier that the road through the rest of Zion was fantastic, and now I have some pictures. Unfortunately the GPS kept on trying to go an alternate way. However, I tricked it. Maybe it knew there were roadworks.

After that, I visited Death Valley. It was magnificent. The colours (on a cloudy, rainy day) were pretty good, and the colours of the rocks are so variable! There were many signs of the recent flash floods. Unfortunately, the GPS decided to take me out of the park down non-major roads, and I didn't realise this until too late because the sign had said the town I thought was next. Unfortunately the sign had lied. However, although I went through a bit of unpaved road (it was being remade for two miles), and a big puddle, at least the sections I was going through were not closed!

The first picture is Zion and the second is Death Valley.

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