Thursday 22 October 2015

Resort Again

It's really nice to be in the one place for a week, with someone else organising where we are going, what we are doing, and having lectures and discussions at the resort. It is a time of relaxation between constant movement.

The resort is feeding us what I suppose is Ecuadorian food at most meals and each meal (including breakfast) is different. For breakfast today we had a banana dough mixed with scrambled eggs, as well as fruit and juice. We always have fruit juice, different at each meal. The banana dough is probably plantation, rather than banana, because it doesn't have flour added to it, and we have had it in several meals. I have asked for a list of our meals, so I can look up the recipes.

Today everyone has gone zip lining, but I am here having a peaceful day. Next week is likely to be more strenuous.

Yesterday, between sessions, I went down the track to the river and waterfall. It has rained every evening, and there has been some rain during the day as well. For instance, yesterday had rain at breakfast, drizzle at dinner, and some rain in between. But there was a part of the day without rain while I visited the river. However, the track was very steep and slippery - especially where others had slipped.

There are three distinct vegetation zones on the way down. Firstly you go through giant bamboo clumps. This bamboo would be 20 metres tall and the stems are quite thick. They were using it for all the structural poles and rafters for the greenhouses and shade houses at the reforestation project. It isn't native, and is quite invasive.

The next level are trees with white trunks a reasonable distance apart, like a eucalypt area. Finally there was dense forest, with a native tree fern, and lantana growing up the trees.

The photos are of the waterfall at the river, the building where I am staying from beyond the pool and hot tub, and the valley from the same place.

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