Tuesday 27 October 2015

Home stay - First day

We crossed the Andes into the Amazon today. The scenery changes from vertical to more horizontal. In the vertical part, houses perch on the edge of the road above cliffs. The road we were on was closed for a few months earlier this year, as there was more rain than usual, and there were 47 landslides on the road. Fortunately it's open now, although they are still working on it, and in places it was still only one way. There are amazing waterfalls that appear to start at the very top of a mountain, and just fall in front of a cliff. Most of these were at landslides, which were all just a tumble of broken rocks and earth. When it became more horizontal it looked like Queensland - very lush but flatter (although the Andes were still in the background.

Twenty years ago Delfin started having guests stay with his family in the Amazonian rainforest. He has about 70 hectares next door to a National Park. The area is definitely not flat, but it is much flatter than where I have been. His family still tries to live a mainly traditional lifestyle, teaching others about their ways. He showed us around his forest, including a lot of medicinal and food plants. The photo is of one of the buildings as we came out of the rain forest after our walk.

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