Thursday 1 October 2015

Greek Garden Composition Gone Wrong

You are familiar with Greek garden design - concrete the yard and add some concrete furniture and some mosaic from broken plates... Watts Towers were built by an Italian over 34 years. He dedicated his life to it. His wife left him. Whenever he wasn't working he was adding to the construction. It is amazing!

Charlotte didn't get up until very late, so it was noon by the time we emerged. We got to Watts Towers at about one, and as it is locked except for tours (the next one was at two), we went for lunch at the Watts coffee shop. The lunch was very good - but enormous. We ordered one chicken salad between two, and didn't finish it.

We then went to the local mall, and Charlotte shopped until she ran out of money, then we had burgers at Johnny Rockets. I told Charlotte that they were in Australia, but she didn't believe me until I showed her where it was in Perth! It's good to be able to access the internet while you are in a fast food outlet.

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