Thursday 30 August 2018

Along the Avalon Coast

This morning the weather cleared and I decided to take the coastal road. The scenery was lovely, and there were more barrens, so I could get a better photo of them.
Cape St Mary’s is an Ecological Reserve for migratory birds. The only one that hasn’t flown on after nesting is the garnet, but there are many thousands of them. There was another lighthouse nearby.

Then I visited Placentia, where the Castle Hill National Historic site is located. Like everywhere else in this area, the Basques came here for to fish in the 1500s. The French took the area over and built a fort complete with detached redoubts, breastwork walls, bastions... Eventually it was ceded to the English in exchange for land elsewhere in Newfoundland.

I saw a squirrel there. Placentia was by far the biggest town I’d seen in Newfoundland, and it had a special bridge - complete with traffic lights!

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