Monday 13 August 2018

On the way

Today was long. We started by leaving our suburb a different way to normal - to avoid kangaroos I was told. As soon as those words were spoken we turned into the round about out of our suburb, and there were more than ten kangaroos in the centre. I saw more kangaroos on the trip to the bus than I have ever seen before in Canberra - in total.

The Pacific Ocean is an enormous expanse of nothing. Flying to Vancouver shows you just how little there is. Just ocean everywhere for fourteen hours. There was a lot of smoke once we hit Canada. It was wonderful seeing the Rockies from the air, and the valleys all seemed to have smoke. The plains were as flat as predicted (what I saw of them, there was a fair bit of cloud), and seeing part of Lake Ontario from the air really gives an idea of the shear enormity of the Great Lakes. You could be flying over ocean, because you cannot see the other side.

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