Monday 20 August 2018

Battle Harbour

Yesterday I drove along a road that was supposedly sealed, and rarely was. Today’s road is designated as unsealed. However, I was assured that it actually is sealed, and it was beautiful - not a single blemish the whole way to Mary’s Harbour. Even the roadworks were fixing things off the road.

A lot of this part of Canada is bog, interspersed with ponds or lakes and low hills. There’s a picture of the scenery on the road on the way there and back.  The one on the way back is in the middle of the country, while the other is at the coast.

I got to Mary’s Harbour and found it was bigger than I expected - after all, Labrador only has a population of 28,000 people. I took a walk along the shore, then a boat to Battle Harbour. For 200 years this was the centre of cod fishing in Labrador - the virtual capital of Labrador. But in the 1960s everyone was moved to Mary’s Harbour. The town was sold to Labrador for $1, and they started to restore it. Many buildings have been restored, and much of the paraphernalia has been collected in the appropriate building. 

In its time, this was a very important place. The finding of the North Pole was announced here. The telegraph was here...

The last picture is the view from outside my room - it’s a great view!

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