Wednesday 29 August 2018

More Fossils

Mistaken Point is a World Heritage area with one hundred layers of Ediacarian fossils being eroded by the sea. Here, the gulf current and the Greenland current collide, so it is usually foggy. Today was no exception. You walk through the barrens, where all the plants are very low because of the continuous wind. Then you change your shoes for booties so that you don’t harm the fossils. There were over ten thousand on the two shelves where we walked. It was fabulous!

Then I visited the lighthouse and radar station, which were the nearest to the Titanic when it floundered. Mistaken Point is named because so many ships mistook it for the next Point and were wrecked there.

I came back to St Mary’s, and viewed the site where a number of other ships have been wrecked.

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