Wednesday 7 February 2024

Pulu Blan Madar

This morning I decided to try to photograph sunrise over the lagoon. It would have helped if I’d realised that West Island is hook shaped, and since I went to the hooked end, I was going to face west rather than east. But after some confusion, I found the sun.


There were a lot of crabs around, both ghost crabs 

and the land crab you see here.

Then I went on a motorised canoe tour around the islands in the south of the atoll, including the one that’s just been named the fifth best beach in Australia, Pulu Balan Madar.

It has an enormous number of hermit crabs, which don’t like the sun.

Pulu Balan where there are a population of Christmas Island skinks. These were being decimated on Christmas Island, and some were taken to toronga zoo and bred in a captive breeding program. Then they were located here. They’re now extinct on Christmas Island.

After we came back, I went over to Home Island for the special Cocos Malay banquet that’s held on Wednesday nights. The food was absolutely delicious, and an interesting blend of Malay and English food.

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