Wednesday 14 February 2024

Temples, Birds and Bats

One thing I’ve noticed about Christmas Island is that Taoist traditions still persist in the Chinese community here. I haven’t taken any photos of the Chinese cemetery, but people are still buried in distinctive Chinese graves. There are places in the street with replicas of the terracotta warriors outside.

There are quite a few Chinese temples on the island,

Including one dedicated to the Muslim members of the Christmas Island community.

There is a Christian cemetery and a Muslim cemetery as well, but the vast majority of the population is Chinese who’ve been here five or more generations.

I went to Margaret Knoll - one of the main lookouts on the island. The sea was calm, and I could see the Abbotts boobies far down sitting in the trees.

Then I tried to go to the highest part of the island - Jacks Hill - but the road was shut after you reached the water tanks, and no wonder, since it overlooks the detention centre (which is currently mothballed). Before I came, many people asked me what was at Christmas Island apart from the detention centre. I said that there were lots of things, and I think you’ll agree.

I saw lots of birds that are native to the island. I only got decent pictures of the red footed booby

And the native bat.

I also thought this photo might give you an idea of the size of the robber crabs.

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